you have to accept the fact that my hair is falling off and you have to like my new wig;

Kategori: Tinnitus i Hjärtat.

mina favorittwinz tipsade mig om den här låten för jättejättelängesen. och jag älskar den, fortfarande. vill typ sjunga den till dem när nån av dem gifter sig. eller hmm, nu fick jag en idé. ahja.
den är i alla fall underbar.

den listar liksom alla väsentliga krav man kan ha på någon man ska bli kär i.
mina favoriter;
-you have to run the extra mile even though you think is too far.
- you really do have to like children cause I want to have a few.

- you have to like the way I dress, you have to like the way I live.
- you have to like the same music, you have to learn how to play the guitar.
och så såklart, never tell me you love me cause baby it should show.


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