om mitt liv vore en låt;
en låt som fortfarande får mig att le spontant och utan eftertanke är Live and Learn med Cardigans.
den är så himla gammal men så fort jag hör den tänker jag bara på alla vackra, roliga, bakisromantiska, vilda, unga, galna, oförståndiga år av mitt liv som gått. alltså, jag upplever ju dem fortfarande, det är mest en liksom mitt-i-allt- nostalgi. typ blicka tillbaka under tiden.
nog sagt.
den här bloggen är mitt nördiga forum och ingen kan avfölja mig från instagram pga att jag lägger upp för många bilder med låttexter under dem om jag gör det på bloggen istället.
låt oss börja.
I came home in the morning
And everything was gone
Oh what have I done
I dropped dead in the hallway
Cursing the dawn
Oh come on sun
Why must I burn
I’m just trying to learn
And everything was gone
Oh what have I done
I dropped dead in the hallway
Cursing the dawn
Oh come on sun
Why must I burn
I’m just trying to learn

I stared into the light
To kill some of my pain
It was all in vain
Cause no senses remain
But an ache in my body
And regret on my mind
But I’ll be fine
Cause I live and I learn
Yes I live and I learn
If you live you will learn
I live and I learn
To kill some of my pain
It was all in vain
Cause no senses remain
But an ache in my body
And regret on my mind
But I’ll be fine

Cause I live and I learn
Yes I live and I learn
If you live you will learn
I live and I learn

Got kicked in the head
So I started a fight
Cause I knew I was right
But I learned I was wrong
I remember a slaughter
I remember I fought
For the money I brought
I got blistered and burned
And lost what I earned
So I started a fight
Cause I knew I was right
But I learned I was wrong
I remember a slaughter
I remember I fought
For the money I brought
I got blistered and burned
And lost what I earned

But I live and I learn
Yes I live and I learn
I got, I got it now
She’s got, She’s got it now
Yes I live and I learn
I got, I got it now
She’s got, She’s got it now

I came to one a corner
With some help from a man and goddamn
I don’t seem to have learned
That a lady in need is guilty indeed
So I paid and got laid in return
And I don’t know what I’ve learned
With some help from a man and goddamn
I don’t seem to have learned
That a lady in need is guilty indeed
So I paid and got laid in return
And I don’t know what I’ve learned

Well you get what you give
And hell yes I lived
And hell yes I lived

HELL yes i've lived.
But if you live as you learn
I don’t think I’d be learned
Oh with the sun in my eyes
Surprise, I’m living a life
But I don’t seem to learn
No I don’t think I can learn
I don’t think I’d be learned
Oh with the sun in my eyes
Surprise, I’m living a life
But I don’t seem to learn
No I don’t think I can learn