cloud-shapes hearts and blue-green scissors.
Kategori: Hjärtekross.
They used to play house together, childlike, but perfectly synchronised in all their actions.
She would toss together some make-belive pancakes in the air and he would come home from working as an austronaut to give her one of the stars from a galaxy he had visited earlier.
Just as they sat down to enjoy their pretend-life together it occured to the girl,
-I love y..
the boy put his tiny hand over her mouth.
-don´t say it, he whispered loudly enough that if anyone had been closer by to check on them rather than be occupied with their grey adult lives they would have been able to hear everything.
-Why? The girl´s eyes lid up and her lips were full of tiny pieces of imaginary stardust from the boy´s hands.
-Because my mom says that world is the root to all evil.
My dad used to say it to her all the time but one day he told me that he was moving far away but that it wasnt my fault and that it was ok and that he would still see me and that I should be brave and take care of my mother. But I don´t know how to take care of my mother, I´m only 8!
The boy decisively tried to remove love out of every piece of their lives. Being only eight years old he had not a very wide experience with love, so he just assumed that it was the letters of the word that was the problem. He wook up earlier than his mother every morning, took the daily newspaper and cut the word love out of there with his green and blue scissors. That was not too big of a hassle. The paper always seemed to be crowded with words as ”extra” ”war” ”disease” and ”scandal” more than love. He did not know any of these words but he assumed that it had to be important to grown ups to read about them every morning. He threw away apples on the kitchen counter that looked like hearts. There was nothing that could stop his mission.
If a cloud looked like a heart he would blow consistently into the air to dissolve it. Sometimes it worked. Sometimes it stayed there, lauging at his failure. Love is a difficult thing to keep away, he thought.

He could see his older sister getting home from school as he read her diary hidden under her bed. Her whole room smelled like bubblegum and socks. She used the word Love a lot. She loved The Smiths. She loved Lisa´s new purse. She loved the boy from home economics in the grade above her that seemed to have blond hair but now had changed to a more darker shade.

There seemed to be a lot of love in a teenagers life, he thought to himself, changing the pages foward and cutting out the word love with his blue and green scissors.
One day his sister caught him red-handed in the act.
-I´m cutting out the love out of your life, he said, with a much older tone than was appropriate for his young age.
I AM GOING TO KILL YO...wait. What?
- Cutting all the love out, I said. He showed her the pieces of paper that said ”love” on them that he had so persistently spent all day removing.
Her eyes moved from dark to light, suddenly she calmed down and sat beside him.
-But why?
- Because love is what makes pepole sad. It made mom sad. It makes you angry.
Love must be destroyed and I am at least doing my part in this battle.
She suddently hugged him, wich was very unusual for her to do.
He had a confused face as her arms wrapped around his head started to warm his chins.
-Darling. Love is not what makes people sad. Never blame love. Love is such a wonderful thing.
-Then what makes people sad?
-The jerks that don´t want you.
-Ahh. I see.
The next morning he started to cut out all the jerks out of the newspaper.
This appeared to be a much easier task.