El viento en la isla (the wind on the island).
Kategori: Hjärtekross.
listen to it run, thru the sea, thru the skies.
It wants to take me away; listen
how it runs across the world
to bring me far away.
Hide me in your arms,
for this night only,
as the rain crushes
against the sea and the dirt
with its unmetinonable lips.

Listen, as the wind calls for me
to bring me far away.
With my forhead agaist yours
with your mouth on my mouth
together, our bodies,
that love that burns
let the wind blow past us
let it not take me away

Let it run
with its crown
made of foam,
let him call,
let him search for me,
I shall reamain under the surface
under your inmense eyes,
for this night only
I will rest, my beloved.
- Pablo Neruda
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