my mama always told me there would be boys like you;
Kategori: Hjärtekross.

Jag vet inte om ni minns men jag har ju en annan blogg till, (haha, jag har nog haft typ 5-6 stycken sen jag började blogga) som jag la upp min novell på. Det är ju något år sen nu, men jag minns att vissa av er tyckte om den. Jag har skrivit lite blandade texter men inget verkade funka förrän nu, nu kan jag binda ihop lite och skriver lite försiktigt på något nytt. Eggshellhearts 2 är alltså med andra ord påbörjad. Vet inte om jag kommer lägga upp den, eller när, men jag tänkte att ni skulle få ett litet smakprov;
"The whale has more flexible fins than a jet-plane. Scientists are now trying to learn more about these whales in favor of building better jet-planes. Scientist Rob Feldman thinks that within 10 years all planes will have bumps on their wings.
All of this was going on in my head as the sunlight came crawling in between the sheets of my monday. Someone was outside, screaming something that I was trying to ignore.
The silence was complete. Everything ever said was dissolving. I was looking at my glass of water for a connection to this innmense feeling of helplessness, but there was nothing to compare it to. Not like comparing whales with jet-planes. This was a mammoth. An extinct phantom limb weighing on the top of my being."
Do you remember the first time we met? No.
I do.
Why do you remember it?
Because you had that look.
What look?
I don't know. I had never seen anyone with that look. Sort of all-knowing at the same time as you looked as confused as the ducks in front of you.
You were throwing scrap buttons on the ducks, do you know that?
I don't remember that.
I do.
Well, still. That never happened.
it's ok.